Terra Tax Savings Calculator

Calculate your personal tax savings and rate of return.

Calculator Inputs

Taxable income is gross income (salary, bonus, pension or interest income, 50% of a capital gain etc.) less RRSP deductions, interest expenses, etc & exemptions. Investment income for a CCPC includes interest income, foreign dividend income, rental income & taxable capital gains.
* NAV on Redemption is an estimate of the future value of the investment (expressed as a percentage and may be changed), is not guaranteed and assumes a 50% capital gains inclusion rate. Budget 2024 announced the capital gains inclusion rate for an individual will be 50% on the first $250,000 of annual gains and 66.7% of annual gains over $250,000. The capital gains inclusion rate for corporations and trusts is increasing to 66.7% of annual capital gains. These measures would apply to capital gains realized on or after June 25, 2024. If realized capital losses are available to fully offset the capital gain, no capital gains tax is owing on redemption. Figures inputted are for illustration purposes only and may not be indicative of the actual NAV received on redemption or actual capital gains inclusion rate.
Cash Flow & Rate of Return Year 1
Year 2
Rollover 1
Years 3 - 5
Post Rollover
Investment - -
Annual Tax Savings 2
NAV on Redemption - -
Capital Gains Tax on Redemption3 - -
Cash Flow - $
Cumulative Return - $
Rate of Return - %

Rate of return for is calculated as the total Cumulative Return for divided by the Capital at Risk in year 1 for .

1 Rollover is targeted for on or about June 30th in the 2nd calendar year. 2, 3 See following tables.

2 Tax Savings Year 1
Year 2
Years 3 - 5
Post Rollover
A. CEE & Other Deductions
B. Average Tax Rate 4
C. Tax Savings - CEE & Other ( A x B )
D. Tax Savings - METC 5, 6 -
E. Tax Savings - CMETC 5, 6 -
Annual Tax Savings ( C + D + E )

4 Average tax rate is the average rate over multiple income tax brackets & determines the value of CEE & Other deductions.

5 METC is the federal 15% Mineral Exploration Tax Credit; CMETC is the federal 30% Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit. Additional provincial tax credits or deductions available are not included above.

6 METC & CMETC are only available to individuals (except trusts) and taxable as income in year 2.

3 Capital Gains Tax on Redemption Year 2
A. NAV on Redemption
B. Less: Eligible Capital Loss Carry Forward
C. Net Taxable Capital Gain ( A - B )
D. Tax Rate on Capital Gain (50% inclusion rate)
Capital Gains tax on Redemption ( C x D )